Of course photographers need tools and depending on the tools used the approach and subjects may vary.

Firstly, you must understand one essential thing. For me, life is outside, and that’s where I practice my art. I can’t imagine spending several consecutive days in a studio; I would be bored to death. The few portraits you can see in the people gallery are an exception to this rule.
Secondly, I am a dreamer. I love wandering through the countryside, along beaches, and in forests. I enjoy taking the time to observe a new place, studying how the sun rises and sets. I relish being alone, letting my thoughts wander as I walk.
Thirdly, it was because my family grew that I became an active photographer.
What I use today on a regular basis
What I sometimes use
- 17mm Tilt & Shift lens
- 17-40mm ultra wide angle zoom lens
- 70mm macro lens
- 100mm lens
- a set of rectangular ND filters for long exposures that I can use on my Tilt&Shift lens a well as on any 67 or 77mm lens: ND 3.0, ND 2.1, ND 0.9, ND Reverse Grad 0.9.
- a tripod and a L plate to handle the camera body vertically when needed.
What I used to use but that much today
What I used to use but I don’t own anymore
- 14mm fixed lens. The Field of View is too large to me, I think my brain cannot process a frame under 16mm.
- 70-200mm with a 1.4x extender
- ND400 circular ND filter.
What I would love to have
- a lens like the 100-500mm would be a fantastic upgrade from my push-pull 100-400mm telephoto zoom, but lens prices have gone through the roof in recent years